"...I can't exactly explain why I've become a small-stream loner. For a while i thought I'd just become greedy. When i fish alone i don't have to worry about the choreography of leapfrogging upstream past a pal..." Ed Engle

Monday, September 26, 2011


I took a day off from a work related vacation to London to go fishing on an English chalk stream.  I took a train and hour south of London to the town of Winchester.

The River Ichen

The River Ichen is a chalk stream. A chalk stream is a spring fed stream with an under laying level of chalk. The spring water is filtered through the chalk beds to create a crystal clear stream. Fishing is only permitted from the bank on these rivers. You must quietly walk along the brushy bank sight fishing, casting to holding fish from downstream.  This portion of the river, or beat, was filled with Brown Trout, Grayling, and even a 50lb Pike.

The Arctic Grayling is in the trout/salmon/char family. It is distinguished by its dark gray and almost purple color, and the extended dorsal fin.

This big boy Brown trout was caught off a little nymph dropper. A good fighter, he was about 5 pounds, 24 inches. It was fun hooking him with my lighter weight outfit.

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